Taking the Devil out of the Details with Cobalt™

Martin Brunt of Seattle Spiral builds 3D signs and environmental graphics that cost millions of dollars. Cobalt CAD and 3D modeling software is a success for Brunt, giving him the edge to become the industry pace setter.
Brunt started using Ashlar-Vellum™ CAD software in 1993 when it was known as Vellum 3D. Through the years he’s upgraded into Cobalt for 3D solid and surface modeling, citing it as a turning point in his business. Getting started in a three-day workshop, he then put the software to work in his design and fabrication business.
Cobalt gave Brunt the competitive edge from the start, designing
“After one year I was able to compete with the big companies and their CAD operators that used AutoCAD,” says Brunt. “When I started doing site surveys and permit drawings on-site using Cobalt 3D models on my laptop, my business started to build really quickly.” After spending a couple of hours of design time with the client sitting in their lunchroom, Brunt had the design and approval process completed.
Cobalt’s precision detail and export features made production two to three times faster. In short, the project was ready for production before the big companies ever sent out the surveyor.
The clients love it. As a small company, Brunt says he completes 10 to 20 times the work volume through innovations provided using Cobalt.
Cobalt helped Seattle Spiral move in a new company direction, completing international projects, including fabrication of metal atrium trees for Hong Kong’s elegant Langham Place. Brunt says, “Cobalt’s solid modeling was the reason for our success in Asia. Once the production model was un-folded and flattened, it became a production language that over 50 non-English speaking craftsmen in mainland China could understand.”
Brunt’s parting words of advice, “Detail it with Cobalt, pass it to production and have fun! Cobalt takes the devil out of the details.”
Learn More
Read more about Brunt’s success using Cobalt CAD and 3D modeling in these three other Ashlar-Vellum proven success story:
See more designs by Martin among those in these Galleries:
See more of Martin’s work on his website.